Hello and super nice to meet you! xx
Here is a few media links for a band I was in with Tommy, Luke and Dakini.
We started doing this just for fun cause we are good friends whom appreciate good music, also to get the magesticly transporting voice of Dakini Yantra out into the Aum-niverse and into the ear holes of other humming humans.
Jamming some classic tunes we all love in my lounge room with a few gins or vodkas or beers, alongside the unbridaled whaling and woahing we had Tommy punching the drums, Luke swaying the guitar and myself wlking the bass.
We only played a handful of gigs, mostly at Eddies Grub House at Cooly. Importantly, what we enjoyed the most was our chemistry as people, we are all kind souls and having a good time with each other is what kept us going.
Anywhichway - take ease!
<3 M